INTL' NGOs: What You Need to Know

International nongovernmental organizations (INGO’s) like Amnesty International, Care, Oxfam, or World Vision operate independently of governments around the world. But what do we really know about these organizations and their operations, behavior, effectiveness or limitations? What might they be doing or be unable to do, in a country like Ukraine, where many people are suffering and there are dire needs, and yet the war that Russia unleashed impedes their work? 
In this episode, political scientist and INGO specialist Sarah Stroup lifts the curtain on international nongovernmental organizations to illuminate their function, efficacy, and constraints. 

Music Credits
  • Forte by Kestra - Summer with Sound Album
  • Soul Zone by Kestra - Light Rising Album
Outro by Arjun Kumar '25

For information on Sarah Stroup's book , Borders Among Activists: International NGOs in the United States, Britain, and France (Borders Among Activists: International NGOs in the United States, Britain, and France (Cornell University Press, 2012), visit here.

For more information on Middlebury College and the Rohatyn Center for Global Affairs, visit here.
INTL' NGOs: What You Need to Know
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